
★演化論證據 證明宗教錯誤

原在 "發表文章" 處看日期 20081228, 到編輯處未見日期, 20161118 改標籤, 測試日期會怎樣.

人類幹細胞治癒脊損老鼠 陽明大學、北榮 聯手研究成功 2009/3/8 新聞

醫生稱製造出 3 複製人 已 9 歲
中廣新聞網 更新日期: 2009/03/05 08:05

法新社報導,義大利知名醫生(安蒂諾里)說,他已「製造」出 3 名複製人。如今這 3 人已有 9 歲,生活在東歐。



陳立民:此新聞缺乏證據,但 1996 年複製羊 Dolly 是事實,按照一切現有的生物學與醫學知識,複製人是早晚會成功的。現在西歐北美各國都限制相關的研究,這是基督教傳統的影響,這是錯誤的。此外,這是演化論正確的又一證據。

Italian doctor says he has cloned three babies
ROME (AFP) — A controversial Italian doctor known for his work allowing post-menopausal women to have children has claimed in an interview to have cloned three babies who are now living in eastern Europe.
"I helped give birth to three children with the human cloning technique," Severino Antinori, a prominent gynaecologist, told Oggi weekly in an interview to appear Wednesday.
"It involved two boys and a girl who are nine years old today. They were born healthy and they are in excellent health now."
He did not provide proof of his claims, but said cells from the three fathers, who were sterile, allowed the cloning to be carried out.
The women's egg cells were impregnated in a laboratory through a method called "nuclear transfer," he said.
Antinori, who became famous after allowing a 63-year-old woman to have a child in 1994, said "respect for the families' privacy does not allow me to go further."
He added that the method used was "an improvement" over the technique used to clone Dolly the sheep in 1996.
Reminded by the journalist that such cloning is prohibited in heavily Catholic Italy, the doctor said he preferred to "speak of innovative therapies" or "genetic recoding" rather than cloning.
Two weeks ago, Antinori sparked controversy by announcing that he would artificially impregnate a woman whose husband is in an irreversible coma following a brain tumour.
It would be the first procedure of its kind in Italy if successful.

Italian doctor claims he cloned three babies
An Italian doctor known for helping post-menopausal women to have children has claimed to have cloned three babies who are now living in eastern Europe.
Last Updated: 10:56PM GMT 03 Mar 2009
"I helped give birth to three children with the human cloning technique," Severino Antinori, a gynaecologist, told Oggi weekly in an interview which will appear on Wednesday.
"It involved two boys and a girl who are nine years old today. They were born healthy and they are in excellent health now."
Mr Antinori did not provide proof of his claims, but said cells from the three fathers, all of whom were sterile, allowed the cloning to be carried out.
The women's eggs were impregnated in a laboratory through a method called "nuclear transfer," he said.
Mr Antinori, who became famous after he helped a 63-year-old woman to have a child in 1994, declined to give further details, saying: "Respect for the families' privacy does not allow me to go further."
He added that the method used was "an improvement" over the technique used to clone Dolly the sheep in 1996.
Reminded by the journalist that such cloning is prohibited in Italy, which is predominantly Catholic, the doctor said he preferred to "speak of innovative therapies" or "genetic recoding" rather than cloning.
Two weeks ago, Mr Antinori sparked controversy by announcing that he would artificially impregnate a woman whose husband is in an irreversible coma following a brain tumour.
It would be the first procedure of its kind in Italy if successful.



2008/10/15 10:05 中廣新聞網


與日本化粧品公司合作的大腦研究專家(茂木健一郎)對 17 名 20 到 30 歲出頭的女性大腦反應分析後發現,這些女性在鏡子中看到自己化粧的臉仿佛是在看他人。


茂木健一郎將於 11 月正式把這項研究成果在美國華盛頓的神經學學會發布。





個人在德國弗萊堡大學(University of Freiburg)唸博士時受到較嚴格的要求,指導教授要求學古希臘文或大拉丁文。個人選擇學習古希臘文,到古典語文學系花了兩年半左右的時間學習,1993年通過該系的古希臘文資格考試。



Freiburg i. Br.


Herr / Frau stud. phil. Lih-Ming Chen

aus Taipei / Taiwan hat heute

die dem Postabituralen Gracecum entsprechende Prüfung

mit der Note “ausr (4)” abgelegt.

Prüfungsgegenstand war Pl. Euth. 2b6-3a5 (Klausur)

und Pl. Phaid. 96ab-10 (mündlich).

---------(系印) -----------------------------(簽名)
Freiburg i. Br. Den 23.04.93 ------------Dr. B. Coppel


考試分兩個階段,第一階段是筆試第二階段是口試,通過筆試的學生才能參加口試,題目皆出自古希臘文原典。如上證明顯示,個人的筆試是柏拉圖對話錄 Euthyphron 篇的一段口試試題也是 Platons Dialogue Phaidon (費東篇) 的一段。口試時的主考官為 Dr. B. Coppel.

在 1993 年左右德國大學外國學生的一般狀況是,絕大部分在 Freiburg 跟隨其他教授或在其他大學的哲學博士生都不需這些語言考試資格,甚至有些寫古希臘哲學博士論文的都不需古希臘文語文能力證明,所以個人受到極嚴格的要求。就個人在 Freiburg Universität 所知,至少在個人通過考試之前的十年間,沒有任何一位非歐洲與北美籍的外籍學生通過古希臘文考試即使當時少數同樣受到嚴格要求的外籍學生也是學習大拉丁文,這高級的古文考試對外國學生大概在1995年降低。

「陳立民英文法《英文法 2.0金字塔英文法 三次元英文法 理解英文文法  CLM Understanding English Grammar 」by   陳立民 Chen Lih Ming(陳哲)