【陳立民】男女的感情,或愛情、戀愛、romantic love 是人類歷史上謳歌的對象,是社會注意的焦點之一,但可能未必把握了它的真相。個人認為它是一件人性的事。問題的關鍵可能在如何深入了解人性。這是一件困難的事,對此個人日後將提出自己的看法。下則研究結果是此現象難把握之一例。
★ 科學家說戀愛有害健康 ★
中廣新聞網 更新日期: 2007/08/10 12:30
Love 'really hurts'
Telegraph.co.uk, last Updated: 1:42am BST 08/08/2007
Telegraph.co.uk, last Updated: 1:42am BST 08/08/2007
Being in love does make you sick, scientists believe.
According to researchers at Imperial College London, the ups and downs of romance can be dangerous.
"Love has some obvious physical effects," said Professor Martin Cowie.
"Pupils dilate, palms become sweaty and the heart rate increases. Large amounts of adrenaline are running through our system which does cause problems," he added.
Stress-related illnesses at work arise from similar physical conditions, Prof Cowie says. "We have seen a big rise in people complaining of flu-like symptoms over a long period of time," he said.
Prof Cowie has been studying the effect of emotions on humans. He says there is evidence that bereavement can increase the risk of heart problems and death.
How this occurs is unclear - but death rates are up to 50 per cent higher in the six months after loss of a spouse, with men affected more seriously than women.
According to researchers at Imperial College London, the ups and downs of romance can be dangerous.
"Love has some obvious physical effects," said Professor Martin Cowie.
"Pupils dilate, palms become sweaty and the heart rate increases. Large amounts of adrenaline are running through our system which does cause problems," he added.
Stress-related illnesses at work arise from similar physical conditions, Prof Cowie says. "We have seen a big rise in people complaining of flu-like symptoms over a long period of time," he said.
Prof Cowie has been studying the effect of emotions on humans. He says there is evidence that bereavement can increase the risk of heart problems and death.
How this occurs is unclear - but death rates are up to 50 per cent higher in the six months after loss of a spouse, with men affected more seriously than women.