一著名研究機構估計,歐洲在 2010 年 5.53 億的信教人口到 2050 年時將降到 4.54 億,也就是減少一億人;同時在 2050 年時歐洲沒有宗教信仰或是不信教的人將佔人口的四分之一。美國的基督徒在 2010 年佔人口的 78%,到 2050 年將降到只佔人口的 66%;反之,不信教的與反宗教的人,將從總人口的 16% 提昇到 26%。
「台灣反宗教者聯盟」台灣反基督教者 陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲) 撰
以上資料與圖片來自一篇 2015 年的研究,下為其原文相關片段:
Europe is
the only region where the total population is projected to decline. Europe’s
Christian population is expected to shrink by about 100 million people in the
coming decades, dropping from 553
million to 454 million. While Christians will remain the largest religious
group in Europe, they are projected to drop from three-quarters of the population
to less than two-thirds. By 2050, nearly
a quarter of Europeans (23%) are expected to have no religious affiliation,
and Muslims will make up about 10% of the region’s population, up from 5.9% in
2010. Over the same period, the number of Hindus in Europe is expected to
roughly double, from a little under 1.4 million (0.2% of Europe’s population)
to nearly 2.7 million (o.4%), mainly as a result of immigration. Buddhists
appear headed for similarly rapid growth in Europe – a projected rise from 1.4
million to 2.5 million.
In North America, Muslims and
followers of “other religions” are the fastest-growing religious groups. In the
United States, for example, the share of the population that belongs to other
religions is projected to more than double – albeit from a very small base –
rising from 0.6% to 1.5%. Christians are
projected to decline from 78% of the U.S. population in 2010 to 66% in 2050,
while the unaffiliated are expected to
rise from 16% to 26%. And by the middle of the 21st century, the United
States is likely to have more Muslims (2.1% of the population) than people who
identify with the Jewish faith (1.4%).